The Future of Cybersecurity
In today’s digital age, cybersecurity is a critical concern for businesses and individuals alike. As cyber threats grow increasingly sophisticated, traditional methods of threat detection and prevention are no longer sufficient.
AI development
A major challenge in AI development is the effort required to obtain and label real-world data. A 2023 Gartner survey identified data availability as one of the top five barriers to implementing generative AI. Synthetic data can help address this issue.
Survey: Apple Intelligence
While Apple Intelligence opens up exciting new possibilities, the new developments also raise concerns among users and technology experts.
Since the release of ChatGPT, cybersecurity experts have been wondering how to control the falsification of GenAI. They initially assumed a threat scenario, namely that the output of GenAI is already being distorted by data poisoning.
Computer vision and the data-centric AI pipeline
Data-Centric AI (DCAI) represents a pioneering approach in AI by focusing on the quality and relevance of data to optimize machine learning models and system performance.
Google fires the next AI salvo: The Gemini model is set to outdo Microsoft, Amazon & Co. But how does the Group plan to monetize it? The battle between the tech giants is coming to a head. An interview with Dr. Thomas Thiele, Principal in the Innovation Practice at
Comeback with AI
“Mac vs. PC” was once a big rivalry in the tech industry. Then Apple switched to chips developed in-house – and overtook Windows PCs. Microsoft is now planning a comeback with AI. What does the new vision look like?


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